Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Early investment of the truth of God's Word into the minds and hearts of our young ones is seen as an obligation here at Airline. We know that these truths through song and learning are things that will serve as a life long aid and encouragement to our developing generations. Come, see and be a part of the work we truly know God has called us to.

Weekly Services
9:30am & 6:00pm
A number of Sunday School classes and Children's Church is available for our children on Sunday Mornings. Not only will those involved be well cared for but they will find joy in the lessons and games used to teach the how awesome and wonderful our God is!
ABC Kids on Wednesday Nights is jam packed with high energy and engaging lessons from teachers and volunteers who are always prepared to show the love and excitement of knowing Christ to our next generation.