For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
There are numbers of ways to be involved within the ministries and opportunities here at Airline. From children's ministries to teaching adult Sunday School classes. But there is so much more to volunteer work that takes place throughout the year with our church family. The church does not function and much less thrive without the entirety of the body coming together. We encourage our members to fervently seek God's guidance as to what and where they should serve. This seeking should come with an understanding of not looking for comfort or ease of service. But to do what God has called each one of us to do and seek that He would fill our hearts with joy as we use the gifts He has given us in return to His wondrous work!

Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
To find a way to serve you can seek out any of our ministry leaders. Please take time to talk with Pastor Tyler and he will be overjoyed to point you in the right direction in making contact with appropriate ministries.
Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
Covenant membership and understanding of why we belong to the church is necessary for any individual to volunteer at Airline. Please talk with Pastor Tyler Creel to clarify what is needed to volunteer in ministry.
How do I volunteer with kids?
Emily Beach is our Children's Administrator. The children's ministry here at Airline is one done with excellence. It is filled with fun as we train up our children to love the Word of God. Please talk with Emily if you desire to invest in the lives of our next generation.
How do I volunteer with music?
Sonya Koon is our Worship Administrator, she and our worship team faithfully give of their gifts and talents to sing songs that glorify God and encourage the hearts of our congregation. If you have any gifting that would serve as a benefit to the growth of our music ministry, please reach out to Sonya.
How do I volunteer with students?
Josh and Emilee Leibbrand have stepped into serving in Student Ministry within the last year and they have been a terrific team as they pour the truth of God's Word into the hearts and minds of our Students. If you would like to help serve with Airline Youth, please reach out to Josh.