How it all started...
The community surrounding what is now Airline Baptist Church came together in May, 1908 for the purpose of organizing a church. After initial organization, the church was built and began to meet for regular service every fourth Sunday of each month. The earliest church minutes date back to January 4, 1913. For decades since, Airline has been faithfully committed to the "work of the ministry" and being a beacon of hope in Lafayette county, all unto the Glory of God.
Why Airline?
In 1885, the commissioners declared that the Madison and Old Town Road, also running by New Troy, intersect the "Air Line" Road at the Eight Post.
Oral history, handed down by previous generations, said that the Airline Road was a mail route and there was a community mail box, known as the "Eight Post" on the road. This mail box was one box that the mailman put everybody's mail in that lived in the community. The mailman also called the community Airline because every time he delivered the mail on his route he said that there was always a wind coming across the way. Also, his route included the community that became known as Midway. The mail man named that area "Midway" because it was mid-way his mail route.
Why Airline?
In 1885, the commissioners declared that the Madison and Old Town Road, also running by New Troy, intersect the "Air Line" Road at the Eight Post.
Oral history, handed down by previous generations, said that the Airline Road was a mail route and there was a community mail box, known as the "Eight Post" on the road. This mail box was one box that the mailman put everybody's mail in that lived in the community. The mailman also called the community Airline because every time he delivered the mail on his route he said that there was always a wind coming across the way. Also, his route included the community that became known as Midway. The mail man named that area "Midway" because it was mid-way his mail route.

Expanding the vision...
God has worked wonders in this family of believers before. We, the church, have watched Him work in the last couple of years and we look forward to continuing on this path of seeking God for what He has for us to do. We do not desire to be a cookie cutter mold of church but firmly believe that God will continue to send us more people to disciple and love. This is for the culture and community of our church to grow organically according the skill sets and personalities He has so graciously granted to us as a whole.
This means that our church culture should reflect the Gospel mindedness and heartfelt affections of our congregations. That we will strive to evaluate all that we do according to what glorifies God and not man. Each church is under the shed blood of Christ and His headship, therefore we will use what God has given us as faithful stewards.
This means that our church culture should reflect the Gospel mindedness and heartfelt affections of our congregations. That we will strive to evaluate all that we do according to what glorifies God and not man. Each church is under the shed blood of Christ and His headship, therefore we will use what God has given us as faithful stewards.
Where we are headed...
The future of Christ's work here at Airline is hopeful. There is no room for complacency and comfort if we desire to follow His commands and see the community of God thrive. In years to come we yearn to see people of every age, background, and social status engaged with the truth of the Gospel, saved by His unending grace, baptized into His body and become an integral part of Gospel mission and church life in Lafayette County. This will not be a work done by our own strength, but by "He who began the work of salvation and will surely be faithful to see it through to completion." This will not happen over night nor by the mere carrying out of ministries. But it will happen if those who have been called according to His purposes are drawn in day by day in faithful obedience, given by God and carried out through His Spirit, to see Airline continue to be that beacon of hope in the name of Christ Jesus, our Lord.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.